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Hawk Ridge Farm

What’s Included in my CSA?

Eat fresh, eat local!

We offer organic CSA subscriptions weekly and bi-weekly for seasonal harvest shares. New for 2024, we will be offering three different options: Family Share $55, Small Family Share $35 and Bi Weekly Family Share $55. Our bi-weekly subscriptions are perfect for smaller families or couples. Families will be able to pick their shares up from the farm. 

How it Works

Choose Your Box

Choose Your Add-Ons

Come Pick It Up!

Choose Your Share

Our 2024 CSA season runs from June 7th to October 24th, offering fresh organic produce. Each harvest share provides a wide range of in-season fruits and vegetables. Add Free-range eggs to your weekly or biweekly subscription for an additional $6 per week. Regardless of if you choose weekly or biweekly farm co-op, the amount of produce you receive in your harvest is always the same.

a painting of the barn at Hawk Ridge Farm in a grassy field
a box of fresh local produce from Hawk Ridge Farm

Family Share $55

Small Family Share $35

A weekly harvest share provides enough fresh produce for a family of four. Total

To Place an Order Please Email Colin

a painting of the barn at Hawk Ridge Farm in a grassy field

Family Share $55

If a weekly share is too much produce for your lifestyle, we recommend our biweekly subscription. Total

To Place an Order Please Email Colin

a painting of the barn at Hawk Ridge Farm in a grassy field
Want to learn more about our CSA options?
Our Harvest Shares

Each harvest share will provide you with seasonally selected, organically grown fruits and vegetables. The season starts in June and runs till September.


Month Sample CSA



salad mix

Salad Mix



garlic scapes

Garlic Scapes

zucchini with blossoms

Zucchini with Blossoms






Basil & Broccoli Microgreens

Pick-Up Location
& Times

Weekly CSA subscriptions will be available to pick up every Thursday.  Biweekly CSA subscription will be available to pick up every other Thursday.

All CSA subscriptions will be available for local pickup at our farm located at:

283 Espanong Rd,
Lake Hopatcong, NJ 07849

a painting of the barn at Hawk Ridge Farm in a grassy field
Please note that you or a family member must pick up your harvest share as scheduled. Our produce is fresh and picked at peak times; therefore, harvest shares cannot be set aside for a later date.

Newsletter Signup

* indicates required

Educational Classes on the Farm

We are so excited to bring different workshops & classes to our local community!


Bees Wrap Class - March 15, 2025 | 11am

Mushroom Growing Cultivation Class - March 22, 2025 | 11am

Microgreens Home Growing Class - March 29, 2025 | 11am