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Mini Pig

It is so nice to meet you! I am a Vietnamese potbellied pig. Do you like my dainty little white hooves? I do! I’ll let you in on a little secret - I didn’t always live here! But look at this place – it is pure pigtopia!!!! How did it get to look like this? Well, its ME!!! My favorite thing to do is wreck things! But I’m not being bad, I am a good pig! It is in my nature to dig up the ground and toss dirt around. Sometimes I find food in all that dirt!!! I live here with Hudson. We spend our days keeping our pen like a sty - which is hard work. Here is another secret – pigs are hairy!! I have long hairs on my back and they are great for collecting mud and keeping me cool and my delicate skin safe from sunburn. If you have acorns – please toss a few into my sty – I love scavenger hunts for food.